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anika-fiebich.biz (Work HEART Training)

Rather in English?!

Many of the business trainings that you find on my German website are offered as an online training in English as well – 
for your English-speaking employees based in Germany and all those who are working abroad.


Work HEART Training is a one-woman-business initiated by myself, Dr. Anika Fiebich, and located in Braunschweig / Brunswick since December 2022. As a start-up, Work HEART Training began its business in March 2020 Bremen, Germany.  Originally, it has been called anima salva Coaching with a focus on business trainings in the realm of health promotion. But as there are so many interesting topics to coach, I’ve broadened its scope and renamed my business Work HEART Coaching and finally Work HEART Training in 2021. Since April 2022 Work HEART Training is a registered trademark in Germany.  Work HEART Training is self-funded by my personal savings and the cancellation of two building loan contracts of mine (LBS Münster). There is no hidden funder behind my back. 


My mission is the empowerment of employees and leaders to develop their own individual strategies for everyday work and leadership by means of different tests and exercises in framework of the Work HEART Training programs. The business trainings cover a wide range of common as well as niche topics. I’ll train you in small group from 2 up to 12 participants online via Zoom that allows for a multi-facet set of techniques and methods, including breakout rooms for group exercises, a power point presentation for a visual illustration of the verbally content conveyed, or short cartoon video clips to illustrate various case samples. Any participant receives a handout in advance that entails the core content of the topic, exercises and tests, dependent on the training in question.

The HEART formula

Work HEART Training draws upon an innovative business concept developed by Dr. Anika Fiebich, which captures as an acronym the main characteristics for training you to “work HEART”, i.e.

H ealthy
E ffective
A llcompassing
R ight
T imeless

The HEART formula (or Work HEART Training concept) is applied as a guiding principle to multiple themes for managing oneself (e.g., stress management, time sovereignty) and employees from a leadership position (e.g., health-seeking leadership, leadership with emotional intelligence, empathetic business communication, motivation).

Most of the trainings are structured in a progressive manner, guiding the trainee step for step to the HEART goal of the training in question. Any training has its own methods and exercises.

Dr. Anika Fiebich (Business Coach)

Anika Fiebich, born on Sept 10th 1981 in Hilden, Germany

I have studied Philosophy, German literature, linguistics and cultural sciences at the University of Bremen, Germany, including a few-month research stay at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh, UK. From 2008 until 2014 I have been a research and teaching assistant as a Ph.D. student and later on postdoc for Prof. Albert Newen, chair in Philosophy of Mind at the Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany. I’ve defended my Ph.D. thesis on a pluralist account of social cognition in January 2013 with summa cum laude under the supervision of Prof. Albert Newen (Bochum) and Prof. Shaun Gallagher (Memphis, TN, USA). In 2015 and 2016 I got awarded a Feodor-Lynen-Fellowship as well as a Return-Fellowship by the Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation for research stays at the University of Memphis, US, the University of Wollongong, Australia, and the Duisburg-Essen University, Germany. Afterwards I worked from October 2016 until December 2019 as a research assistant for Prof. Corrado Sinigaglia, chair in Philosophy of Sciences at the State University of Milan in Italy. My academic research as well as large parts of my teaching (Bachelor, Master and PhD students) have been in English since my employments as a Ph.D. student and a postdoc later on. My last (unpaid) edited book “Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency” got published in 2020 by Springer Nature in Switzerland (for an overview of my academic publications, please visit orcid.org and search for my academic ID, i.e. 0000-0002-4859-3779; my former academic website anikafiebich.com does not exist anymore). 

I finished my academic career in  December 2019 to become a business coach in Bremen, Germany, from March 2020 onwards. In the first year of my self-employment, I took a self-funded certificate course in health management at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which was the main focus of my business coaching at that time. Then I dipped autodidactically deeper into multiple other themes from economics and business psychology, broadened the scope of my business trainings, developed the Work HEART Training concept, trainings programs including methods, tests, and exercises. It took me about 2 years to get properly started with Work HEART Training in Germany and build up the wide range of business trainings in German that you can find on my website. 

In my private life, I love creative writing and the theatre, rock and classic concerts and art. I’ve never owned or rented a car, motorbike or scooter and do not have a pilot’s license. Currently, I am a single person, I’ve never been married and have no kids. 

Booking Your Online-Training

Time Window, Duration, and Participants

You are welcome to book a half-day business training for the English-speaking employees of your company in Germany or Europe within the ordinary time windows in the morning or the afternoon or, upon request to any other time that is compatible with the Central European Time zone (between 7 AM and 6 PM). 

Due to organizational reasons, I offer Work HEART Training components in English only as online trainings. Any training lasts about 3 hours and is scheduled in a 3.5-hour time window including breaks for 2 up to 12 participants via Zoom (e.g., 8.30 to 12 AM). I offer trainings dedicated for all employees as well as for employees in a leadership position only. The trainings’ focus lies on acquiring general soft skills in everyday business life, independent from specific branches of industry. After the training al participants receive a certificate with their name, the name of the company, the title of the training as well as its content.

Equipment, Means and Methods

All you need to attend an online training is a PC, laptop, smartphone, or any other electronic device with a microphone (and at best a camera) as well as a stable internet connection. I’ll send you a link with the zoom meeting ID, pass word and login instructions in advance as well as a handout (PDF file, DIN A4), including the main contents, tests and exercises of the training that you may forward to the participants of your company. 

The trainings are accompanied by a powerpoint presentation, including contents, schemes and short video clips to illustrate different case samples of everyday business life. Dependent on the topic of the training in question, single- or group-exercises, tests, reflections and discussions are included as well. 

Prizes and Booking

The lump sum for a half-day group training in English is 450 Euros. You may book up to 2 training components per day. Please check out the recommendations for combinations (Kombi-Tipps) in the menu. Due to the organizational and preparatory extra work accompanied with giving business trainings in English, there is no regular prize reduction for combinations. Thus, a full-day training composed of two components in English is charged with 900 Euros. Of course, you are also able to book the very same component twice a day. Please fill out the contact formula on the starting page, select those trainings that you are interested in booking and indicate that you want them to be held in English in the text message. Please ensure that you book at least 3 months in advance to ensure the dates that suit you are available.

If you have any further questions about the training programs, procedure, or technical issues, I’ll be more than happy to get in touch.

Work HEART Training
Half-Day Training Components in English

You find the half-day training components as well as the 1-day trainings listed below on the starting page in the formula ready to book.

Burnout, keine Chance! Stressmanagement im Berufsalltag

Burnout, No Way!
Stress Management in Everyday Working Life

After an introduction to the development of distress and burnout at work, you will make a start-up test that helps you to identify your personal stressors (i.e. those working conditions, professional contacts, or situations that stress you out most) and reactions to stress. In a first step, you will acquire knowledge and soft skills to regulate your personal stress reactions by means of relaxing techniques, demarcation, or conflict prevention. In a second step, you will develop your personal anti-stress program, including strategies that help you to overcome your stressors by using or creating different kinds of resources (personal, social, organizational) and to achieve health goals (HEART-goals) on the one hand, and to identify and restructure cognitive-behavioral patterns that lead to distress in different situations.

Selbstmanagement und Zeitsouveränität: Arbeitsorganisation im Beruf

Self-Management and Time Sovereignty:
Organization at Work

The training starts with a test to identity one’s own deficits in self-management at work. Then you will get an introduction to the classic models of self-management that can be applied to overcome any kind of personal deficit you may have and help you to develop individual strategies for optimizing your organization at work with respect to setting, pursuing, and achieving goals, keeping yourself motivated, or avoiding multiple psychological fallacies (e.g., the planning fallacy, change of preference). In the second half of the training, you will acquire knowledge and skills in time sovereignty, including dealing with focus and concentration killers, creating restorative breaks and to make working plans that consider your personal biorhythm and most productive working times a day as well as a variety of time management methods and techniques.

Wirkungsvolle Delegation und Überzeugungskraft

Effective Delegation and
the Power of Persuasion

Delegating tasks and responsibilities to single members of one’s own team is required by any employee in a leadership position to free up space and time that are needed to fulfill the leadership duties that remain. In this respect, being capable of delegating effectively and convincing employees of a task or a project are important soft skills that a leader needs. In the first part of the training, you will learn about the different kinds of delegation and eligibility criteria to choose a recipient, and you will train how to delegate effectively. The second part concerns the power of persuasion in all its facets, including the creation of authenticity, argumentation and metaphors, body language and accounting for values. This is relevant to deal adequately with employees that deny a delegation but also in other professional contexts.

Selbst-Entwurf einer Führungsvision: Führungsstile entwickeln

Leadership Vision:
Developing Managerial Styles

Drafting a leadership vision of oneself is a helpful tool to position oneself in the leadership role. Broadly, we can distinguish between three main leadership personalities that are characterized by different styles of leadership: 1. the captain (authoritative and directive style of leadership); 2. the gardener (cooperative, contextual or Laissez-Faire style of leadership); and 3. the navigator (systemic or symbolic style of leadership). In this training you will get an overview of the different styles of leadership and enter a discussion of the pros and cons that any of these styles comprises. Then you will train a selection of core skills that are characteristic for one style or another. The training ends with drafting a leadership vision of yourself by strategically using (single or combined) managerial styles for the particular challenges in your job.

Typgerechter Kundenservice:
Kundentypen und Servicedimensionen

Personality Types and Customer Services

Type-specific customer services, i.e. services that consider the personality of a customer, allows for satisfying the needs and desires of different types of clients best, and thus is a valuable soft skill that supports the success of your company. The training starts with an introduction to differential psychology and its models to distinguish customers according to their personality traits and readiness to commit. Then you practice yourself to apply that knowledge to satisfy the type-specific needs and desires of a client in terms of communication and interaction to variety of case samples in everyday customer services. Then the training will focus on how to deal with some “complicated” types of customers, e.g., wise-acres or aggressors, and you will exercise to manage complaints by using different communication techniques of conflict prevention and complaint management.

Typgerechtes Führen von Mitarbeitern:
Umgang, Kommunikation, Motivation

Type-Specific Leadership

Interacting type-specifically with different types of personality in your team will help you to bring out the best of any team member. First, you will get an introduction to the main models of personality types in differential psychology that build the foundation for assessment centers and job recruiting (BIG Five, Riemann-Thomann model) and that allow for distinguishing between different types of employees, e.g., creative, bureaucratic, pragmatic, or perfectionist types (von Kanitz). Then you will train identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each type to account for that in distributing different kinds of tasks and duties to your team and supporting each team member in a type-specific manner. Also, the application of type-specific conversation techniques in an employee dialogue can be helpful. Finally, you will train to motivate different types of employees with case examples.

Gesund Führen

Health-Promoting Leadership

Promoting health in a leadership position requires knowledge and skills that you will acquire in this training, e.g., knowledge about the development and symptomatic of the main psychological impairments and diseases that employees nowadays suffer from due to unhealthy working conditions such as distress, addictions, and burnout. In a 4-step leadership program you will train to (i) identify different kinds of psychological impairments and burnout in it stage of development using case examples, (ii) to mention and question the cause and background conditions of a potential health risk observed in an employee dialogue, (iii) to make arrangements for creating healthy working behaviors in healthy conditions or to transfer information about options for medical or professional rehabilitation, and (iv) to invent prevention measures.

Führen mit Emotionaler Intelligenz:
Stärkung des psychologischen Arbeitsvertrags

Leadership with Emotional Intelligence

“Emotional intelligence” comprises all the skills and capacities a human being may have to (i) recognize, (ii) comprehend, (iii) handle, and (iv) dispose one’s own emotions and those of others. In this training, you acquire all these skills and capacities for successfully leading employees with emotional intelligence. Most of our decisions and behaviors in everyday life are primarily driven by our emotions, independent from the extent to which we experience them consciously. Thus, emotional intelligence plays an important role, e.g., with respect to emotional regulation in situations of distress and conflict, empathy and empathetic communication and strengthening what has been called “the psychological contract”, i.e., the sum of all the (implicit) beliefs, expectations and ambitions of leader and employee, concerning e.g., trust, motivation, win-win.

Recommended Combinations
1-Day Business Trainings

Some training components fit particularly well to each other. Below you find some suggestions and recommendations for how to combine 2 components to a 1-day online business training for employees (marked in purple) and leaders (marked in green). 

Stress management and organization at work can be considered as the “basics” for a successful and healthy working life. 

Delegating tasks plays an important role for the work organization of a leader – as does self-management and time sovereignty. 

Accounting for personality types in professional interactions is a valuable soft skill for leaderships as well as customer services.

 Empathetic and health-promoting leadership skills support the health, motivation and productivity of an employee.